Biochemistry, a branch of medicine has been an invaluable resource, presenting the concepts and details of molecular structure, metabolism and laboratory techniques in a streamlined and engaging way for students. Clinical Biochemistry incorporates biochemistry and metabolism in health and disease. The Department of Biochemistry is functioning from the inception of this college since 2010.
Academic activities :
We teach Biochemistry for First year MBBS students by conducting theory classes in the morning and practical sessions and Small Group discussions in the afternoon . We also guide Third MBBS part-II students during their Elective postings in Biochemistry lab by helping them to understand the concepts of Preanalytical variables, Arterial blood gas analysis and Quality Control in lab. In addition, the department caters in training paramedical students like B.Sc (MLT), various B.Sc (AHS) and DMLT.
We own a Departmental library which has been stocked with latest edition of medical, paramedical books and journals. We have organized CMEs on various clinically relevant topics.
Early Clinical Exposure:
As per CBME curriculum, First year MBBS students are encouraged to observe and learn the clinical applications of Biochemistry by visiting the Central lab (includes Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology), Medical, Surgical and Pediatric wards.
Integrated Teaching:
Our department is regularly conducting both horizontal and vertical integrated teaching sessions in collaboration with other departments.
AETCOM Module:
First year MBBS students are taught AETCOM module as suggested by NMC which is instrumental in helping the students to evolve as a competent medical professional. These modules instill a sense of responsibility and enhances the overall behavior of students.
Laboratory Services :
Biochemistry Laboratory is running round the clock in catering the needs of outpatient and inpatients admitted in Govt. Thiruvarur Medical College, Thiruvarur. The lab provides both basic and advanced investigations which aids in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases. Our lab is equipped with fully automated analyzer, eCLIA hormonal analyzer, UV spectrophotometer, ABG and electrolyte analyzers. Lab statistics has been on the steady rise, accounting for 9,43,000 tests in the year 2022.
The department is endowed with 1 Professor, 1 Associate Professor, 1 Assistant Professor and 3 Tutors.
Co-curricular activities :
We motivate and prepare students under our prolific guidance to participate in various activities which includes academic oriented intra and inter college fests. Our students have been an integral part of various biochemistry programs, workshops and have participated in numerous competitions such as poster and model making. We encourage our students to participate in various quiz competitions across the state. Our students have bagged various positions in inter college quiz contests.
Research activities:
Members of the faculty of the Department of Biochemistry are involved in collaborative research works with various clinical Departments. We have been guiding medical students in ICMR-STS projects.